Damn Good Trivia.
Bums on Seats.

Damn Good Trivia
Gee Quiz is trivia done right. Trivia for your every day quizzer who wants a guaranteed awesome night out. Our ambition to give people a great experience is what sets us apart from the others. At a Gee Quiz trivia night you'll usually find a packed house with players fully into the spirit of the night - eating, drinking, laughing and letting their hair down.
Our quiz is definitively for everyone. We make sure success doesn’t rely entirely on academic clout, but also requires street cred, life smarts and common sense to get answers correct. This means the quiz is enjoyed by a broad range of folks, in turn we get lots of different types of bums on seats!
Quizzers won't have to sit through 8 exhaustive rounds of trivia either. Our quiz is five rounds, with every question being of high quality. 50 questions means the quiz can be run at a relaxed pace, which allows for great banter and means we wrap things up after about two hours, which is pretty darn optimal in our opinion!
And it’s not just a sit down, stare at the screen experience, we include two interactive, get-out-of-your-seat bonus rounds each week – The Line Up and Last Person Standing, both games guaranteeing excitement, suspense and laughter.

Better Questions
We work harder than any trivia company in the country to ensure our questions are damn good. We don't just rehash a bunch of questions we used three years ago and be done with it. All of our questions are put through our stringent "inherent interest" test. Most of our questions are those that you won’t know off the top of your head, but with a bit of hard-thinking, team work, deducing and luck, you’ve got a decent chance of nailing it!
We actually really really care about the content we put out and every quiz includes an array of trivia that will resonate with anyone who comes along. Check out some of our questions:

Themed Quizzes
We don't just make amazing weekly pub trivia, we are Australasia's leading provider of themed quizzes. From Harry Potter to Game of Thrones to Friends and Walt Quizney, we do it all.
Each themed quiz night is a chance for fans of a particular pop culture franchise to get together and have an unforgettable evening immersed in a topic they love. Teams dress-up, purchase lots of food and drink from novelty menus and we will always publish photos on social media which is fantastic exposure for both the bar and Gee Quiz.

TEAM Bonding
Gee Quiz is the ONLY company you should use for your team bonding aka '"corporate quiz" session. Unlike other companies who just fire off any old quiz for you to do, we actually curate each separate quiz specially for you!
We ensure we use our very best content and guarantee your crew will have an unforgettable event with heaps of fun, laughs and team connection!